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The Age of Twin Flame Merging, Converging and Intersecting

Twin Flame Messages

Twin Flames begin merging once their eyes meet in familiarity. It’s the unlocking of a gateway between remembrance and manifestation. It’s the sharing of vision and perception even at a distance. It’s the raising of the awareness amongst the Twin Flame collectives ushering in an understanding that soul connection is more than what’s been engrained in our minds as we’ve acclimated towards those things which seemed to have the instruction on how to make ourselves more accepted as viable and functioning human being. It’s the piercing of the veil which reveals the Truth of our Being and the knowing that we are just as infinite as the stars which glisten at night above us. Even the stars form star dust as they disperse and transform; and all while continuing to travel throughout time and space.

Shameika Pearson

A Twin Flame, spiritual writer, and intuitive lightworker.

There is indeed an invisible thread that connects the hearts of the souls who are one in Love and spirit. It’s hard to mistaken your Twin when you know this to be the Truth. You don’t as much think about it as you feel it with all of your heart and soul. It’s that feeling you get through the stillness you feel when at your most perfect peace. One not triggered by exterior circumstances or urges, yet something that has been set into motion through your intentions. It is through this intention that you are identified as being ready for reunion with your Twin Flame. You treat yourself with just as much Love and respect and honor that there is no difference within the very depths of your being whenever your paths cross in your dreams, or on this life’s’ journey. You have nothing left to do, but simply be, in the magnificence of the Being you were created to be, which your intent has been the entire time; all you had to do was remember. You had to find the key to unlocking the doorway of manifestation, and the key has always been embedded within your authenticity and enshrouded in Love.

"As of now the stars are aligning in such a way, that many of you have reached manifestation through Twin Flame convergence on the physical and spiritual planes. Where you go from here, is entirely up to you and the Love you share will be the guiding light, which is always and forever expansive.."

Shameika Pearson

I’ve noticed during my travels that an awakening is occurring amongst the collective souls here on this Twin Flame journey. So many are crossing paths with their Twin, and eliminating false perceptions and facades along the way. Veils are dropping and the Love frequencies are rising.  You have been merging from the day you gazed into each other’s eyes and this has triggered your soul’s evolution. You may have been out of sight, but never out of soul’s eye, which is why, your souls are singing to each other at this important juncture. We recognize the rhythm when we embrace our own Truth and walk in all steadfastness to the beat we’ve drummed up for ourselves, as set through our intentions. This song has always been embedded, but somehow we can now hear it louder, within ourselves and our Twin. We dream together, we feel each other, and we know that we’ve made it home because we’ve evolved past trying to understand it per generally accepted principles; we simply live it, because we are committed in every way, and this commitment will be very mutual, because the intent is the same. Remember this if you’re ever confused. Be expressive to God, the universe and yourself as you set your intentions. This is how you realize miracles. This is how you know, dear Twin Flame, that you are a purposeful soul in human form. You know because the Love you share will be a direct reflection of who you are, and once you explore and expand that Love from within, as expressed through YOUR universe, Love finds a way; mutuality manifests because your Twin and you vibrate on the same Love frequencies, even if your personalities are polar opposite.  As of now the stars are aligning in such a way, that many of you have reached manifestation through Twin Flame convergence on the physical and spiritual planes.  Where you go from here, is entirely up to you and the Love you share will be the guiding light, which is always and forever expansive. Remember to continue listening to the song within your conjoined hearts; it will not lead you astray. 

Be expressive to God, the Universe and Yourself as you set your intentions. This is how you realize miracles…
