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When You’re a Twin Flame, You Simply Know It. It’s Not Dependent

Twin Flame Messages

I believe in Twin Flame Love. I believe you have to be extremely careful in defining a relationship as one. As you awaken spiritually, each relationship you enter will be increasingly meaningful.

This is something you’ll require as your prior superficial thought patterns will change in regards to relationships . You will feel them within your spirit and this feeling will draw you like a magnet into karmic, kindred, and other forms of soulmate relationships. There is no mistaking a true spiritual connection as both parties will be privy to the uniqueness of the connection This is not just chemistry. It is transparent. Nothing will be hidden, and much will be revealed, namely about yourself.


Shameika Pearson

A Twin Flame, spiritual writer, and intuitive lightworker.

As life happens, you may break up and move on and feel your world is destroyed. Many times it takes some time to heal from such a connection, especially after the first time. It will forever change your view of human connection. And so, eventually you move forward, thinking you’ve experienced the epitome of human love without thought of there being any other, but THEN it happens again. This time it’s even more intense than ever before. And again, you learn more about yourself, the universe, and Love. You realize your ability to love beautifully, another soul,so purely from the heart, but then just maybe this relationship ends and you think, Ok, I’ve lost my marbles! Don’t panic. Your journey is still ongoing. Take time for prayer, meditation and self reflection. 

"There was a point to your meeting and time will tell the tale. In the meantime find that perfect place of stillness. Count all of your blessings...Love is eternal..."

Shameika Pearson

Remember the beautiful moments, while acknowledging those thing about yourself that should be changed . Never regret living wholly from the heart. The only regret that may haunt you is if there were ulterior motives outside of Love to begin with. If that was the case, make it right with the other if it were you, and most importantly forgive yourself. If it was them, forgive them even if they aren’t sorry. Thank God for the lessons learned and move on. That’s freedom. 

There was a point to your meeting and time will tell the tale. In the meantime find that perfect place of stillness. Count all of your blessings, and remember how when you thought you’d reached the peak before, God showed you more. Love is eternal. Do not fear what the other Twin will or won’t do upon separation, because the reality is, if who you perceived as your Twin disappears from your life after the reunification phase, and without good reason,there was a reason for it.

There is no guessing whether you have a Twin in this lifetime. That knowing is embedded in you. Find solace in the fact that you and your True Twin planned your meeting prior to coming here, and that song that has been put in your heart since birth resonates in his/hers still. Separation is an illusion. The song in your heart will lead you home in time.Nothing meant to stay will leave you. Your Twin and you are one. Don’t forget that, don’t lament over what was meant as a lesson, remain present in the now. Make yourself a vessel for unconditional Love. When you ARE Love, miracles happen every moment.

Thank God for the lessons learned and move on. That’s freedom. 
