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Twin Flame Sensitivity and this Virgo New Moon

Twin Flame Messages

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and ruled by Mercury. Twin Flames and others can expect communication to be highly highlighted as the moon treks through these Virgo clusters. The energies are shifting at a rapid pace, so I don’t find it shocking that I feel like writing having had Mercury in Virgo at the time of my birth.  In fact, it’s one thing that makes me happy at this very moment. I smiled instantaneously as I began writing.

Shameika Pearson

A Twin Flame, spiritual writer, and intuitive lightworker.

. As I reflect, I must admit that I most definitely feel the energies shifting around me. It’s amazing the way we feel everything as we walk in Love.  This energy is transformative and clarifying.  The Divine Feminines are traveling down memory lane, maybe shedding a tear or two, even for no particular reason. The empathic nature of the Divine Feminine makes her feel everything down to the core of her.  She feels emotions that are indefinable; it could even be an emotional transfer from others within her environment. She yearns for balance and perfection in expression, both telepathically and physically, and you can expect that these feeling will only be amplified as the moon makes its way towards Libra.

"I notice that as time goes by I become more sensitive; although I know time is relative, and there is truly no such thing. I am better able to observe myself with each rotation around the sun. "

Shameika Pearson

I use to say that it is a blessing and a curse to feel everything so intensely, but later retracted that statement, at least the later part, because to feel so intensely is always a blessing. Otherwise we become robots, just going through the motions as opposed to truly engaging in life. It is through feeling that we embrace our lessons in this life. It is miraculous to be able to feel another. It’s through the connection with self, that you’re able to expand in sensitivity and all the Clair’s. You know you’ve made it to this place when you no longer care to impress, or look for confirmation through others; you’re simply comfortable embracing all that is you as reflected through your way of being. It is evident in your values, and in your treatment of others. You are no longer seeking; you’re living because finally you’ve figured out that the key to manifesting the best you is through you, because you KNOW and embrace the fact that you are soul, here for a reason and with a very unique gift you’re able to contribute to the world at large.

The Love you exude is sacred, and as such it’s destined to impact each and every being around you, but first it impacts you. Love isn’t a physical trait. It is the essence of which you are. It is the stuff the stars and moon are made of. It is intricately weaved through the core of you, which is why sometimes while gazing at the stars, tears of Love well up in your eyes. It is the reason your heart smiles while interacting with animals, and it’s the reason you avoid intentionally harming anything in nature. It is what connects all loving souls, and the only way we feel disconnected is when we unplug from the flow or value ego over Love. It’s the reason many of us can feel others energies; Love is what keeps the energies surging and makes the Twin Flame able to relate and recognize others on the same frequency. It is in fact why you’re here. It isn’t an accident. Nothing in this life happens accidentally, and you can rest assured that as you’re in the flow of Love, all is as it should be.

And so it’s such a blessing to understand that through our connectedness in Love, we are in essence extensions of each other. We’re able to touch people from a distance because the universe orchestrated such evolution.  And in knowing this dear Twin Flames, understand that you’re only a feeling from touching your Love wherever they may be as you Love yourself. That’s the place you’ll always meet in spirit. The only difference between your Twin Flame and anyone else is that you chose to share more intimately in this life or past lives a mutual mission.

I notice that as time goes by I become more sensitive; although I know time is relative, and there is truly no such thing. I am better able to observe myself with each rotation around the sun. I can clearly see my position in this life and I understand that I literally had to be here for my own soul’s evolution. Even with Virgo perfectionism being engrained in me, I understand that my perception of perfection is inherently flawed. We don’t become perfect; we are created perfectly to serve our purpose here.  And so, as the new moon makes its way through Virgo, I embrace the shifting energies as they manifest. I set my intentions always towards the greater good and I learn to focus my thoughts on what truly matters; what matters are all things Love.

And so it’s such a blessing to understand that through our connectedness in Love, we are in essence extensions of each other…
