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The Greatest Gift One Receives Through Twin Flame Union

Twin Flame Messages

The greatest gift has to do with who you already are prior to union.  It is the most beautiful and authentic parts of you amplified in mutual sharing. Instead of it being a completion, it’s an expansion of who you already are. I’ve learned that the greatest gift one receives as the result of Twin Flame union is expanded Creativity. Creativity is expression which may come into being through artistry, communication, charity, and other such works of art which only serve to help push the torch FOR humanity forward; as we came here to be of service, we came here to be of light, and to work out whatever karma we have left in this lifetime.

Shameika Pearson

A Twin Flame, spiritual writer, and intuitive lightworker.

It is the concentration of energy between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine which has the ability to manifest once it accumulates through mutual sharing and Love.  As it pertains to union, the energies are very dependent as it requires such purity of intent and Love as to be able to create exactly what is meant. It cannot be taken fore granted, because it can and will fall away just as easily as the rain evaporates into the atmosphere only to be regenerated in the  heavens  and eventually make its way back to this earth plane.

"I’ve learned that the greatest gift one receives as the result of Twin Flame union is expanded Creativity. "

Shameika Pearson

.  I believe it is important to understand, that the main purpose of this Twin Flame Journey isn’t romance. Romance is the natural byproduct of sharing in Divine Love, but it’s far from the entire picture. In fact, the only thing that makes Twin Flame Love making and connecting unique is through the purity of love in one’s heart giving you the opportunity to truly feel the other down within the depths of your very soul. This process sparks recognition, and unlocks spiritual gateways you may have never known existed. As soon as it gets taken foregranted, the magic dissipates because it’s no longer pure. Twin Flame Union not only needs but requires mutuality in Love’s purity in order to evolve into creation mode.  In order to manifest experiences, circumstances, and opportunities to push the torch for humanity forward.

Have you ever wondered why you were/are in a position where you know that you’re a Twin Flame or, know who your Twin Flame is (or all of the above), yet it seems impossible for you to come into union in the first place?  There seems to be an imbalance as it pertains to values and standards or integrity, or your Twin Flame is simply connected to the past, and other such karmic dynamics which makes the union seemingly impossible? I would like to say that I’d advise you never to come into union with a Twin Flame who exhibits imbalance in any of the categories mentioned, because the union will turn out to be nothing more than you sharing in whatever karmic situation he or she has yet to resolve. The awakened Twin has no business being caught up in confusion or any form of immorality. This is not a superiority complex, it is the honoring of the Love that is you, which you may have worked very hard and sacrificed a lot personally to have elevated to such levels of awareness. Often time’s personal transformation happens alone. Understand that when you sacrifice for your soul’s evolution it is not your responsibility to stymy your growth for anyone at any time. It is not ok to become the sacrificial lamb because each of us must be accountable for ourselves. That’s the only being we truly have control of. Sure, it’s beautiful to connect or catch glimpses of the ethereal. It’s fantastical, to share in the esoteric and mystical, but its evolutionary to stay true to our very essence, and the creativity birthed through Twin Flame union is only realized through this evolutionary process, steeped in authenticity as triggered through purity of Love and intent. This is key dear Twin Flames…we only see and know because we went through the cocoon of transformation. We dream or are given visions for our own knowing, we are fine simply being, because we know that there isn’t an alternative, and thus we fulfill our missions and purpose in this life.

If this was all there was I’d say fall into the abyss. But we aren’t created to sink, we are created to elevate, and that’s exactly what I intend to do for the rest of my days.  This is what we all should do whether in union or riding that stream of light individually, because being a Twin Flame isn’t dependent on being in union. It is only dependent on you and YOU alone. Allowing your light to shine in even the dimmest corners of this earth; for those in union, it’s time to expand brighter and grander than ever before.

And so it is…

We only see and know because we went through the cocoon of transformation. We dream or are given visions for our own knowing, we are fine simply being, because we know that there isn’t an alternative, and thus we fulfill our missions and purpose in this life.
