Earth Sign- General Twin Flame Love Readings (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)-May 2019

Earth signs Monthly tarot

Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Welcome to your Monthly Twin Flame Collective, tarot card reading. I hope you are able to derive the messages as intended for your particular experiences in Life. These readings are designed to address Twin Flames who are in union, separation, and those who’ve yet to cross paths with their Twin Flame in this lifetime. Much Love and Blessings!

Dear Capricorn, It’s all becoming clearer, there are choices. You can’t go wrong following your passions!

Dear Taurus, What an abundant month! Do not fear the unknown, take the risk!

Dear Virgos, Your on a Mission. Moral choices or dilemmas are strongly indicated, yet you pull through this span of time on your journey, fulfilled and being presented with new opportunities!